"... like the children in the Third World" Postcolonial and race-critical questions on the realization of a perspective change in the textbook

Main Article Content

Hannah Elisa Drath
Jan Woppowa


The didactics of changing perspectives has recently gained a high relevance for the didactics of religion, especially in the context of religious plurality. With reference to postcolonial theories, it is important to identify racist representations in teaching materials and to examine the use of didactic ideas with regard to (post)colonial power effects and the production of knowledge that stabilizes domination. With this intention, this article examines how didactic principles in the global justice discourse are realized in textbooks. With regard to a discourse-analytical and racism-critical approach we exemplarily analyze the didactics of the change of perspective. In doing so, it can be shown that didactic strategies or their concrete implementation, which does not always conform to theory, either produce or solidify colonial relations of domination.

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How to Cite
Drath, H. and Woppowa, J. (2023) “". like the children in the Third World"”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 31(1), pp. 127-149. doi: 10.25364/10.31:2023.1.8.
Article - topic oriented
Author Biographies

Hannah Elisa Drath, University of Paderborn

Hannah Drath, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Religionsdidaktik am Institut für Katholische Theologie der Universität Paderborn.


Hannah Drath

Universität Paderborn: Institut für Katholische Theologie

Warburger Straße 100

D-33098 Paderborn

e-mail: hannah.drath(at)uni-paderborn.de

Jan Woppowa, University of Paderborn

Dr. Jan Woppowa, Professor für Religionsdidaktik am Institut für Katholische Theologie der Universität Paderborn.


Dr.  Jan Woppowa

Universität Paderborn

Institut für Katholische Theologie

Warburger Straße 100

D-33098 Paderborn

e-mail: jan.woppowa(at)uni-paderborn.de