Sexual Violence: A Religious Education Perspective
Implications resulting from an Analysis of the Catholic Teaching on Sexuallity
Sexuelle Gewalt, Prävention, Sexuallehre, Sexualmoral, sexuelle Bildung, Missbrauch, GenderAbstract
Based on an analysis of the current Catholic sexual teaching – which was carried out with reference to current studies on sexual violence (in the Catholic Church) and analogous to the so called ‚three-perspective-model‘ – it was possible to identify risk factors, which favor sexual violence. Even though a monocausal relation can‘t be claimed, these results still offer important implications for religious education. Due to these implications an attitude has been developed, which should generally influence the planning and implementation of religious education processes, in order to provide an adequate theology.
How to Cite
Brunner, J. (2020) “Sexual Violence: A Religious Education Perspective: Implications resulting from an Analysis of the Catholic Teaching on Sexuallity”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 28(2), pp. 228–232. doi: 10.25364/10.28:2020.2.14.
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