Autoethnografie als Weg zur spirituellen Selbstreflexion: Potenziale eines Spiritualitätsmoduls in der Religionslehrer*innenbildung

Autoethnografie als Weg zur spirituellen Selbstreflexion

Potenziale eines Spiritualitätsmoduls in der Religionslehrer*innenbildung




Religious teacher education, autoethnography, spirituality modul


The article presents pathways to enhance the personal competencies of religious teachers and emphasizes the significance of professional stability and utilization of spiritual resources. Through an autoethnographic approach, it explores individual identity and the spiritual dimension, showcasing a specific module that stimulates self-reflection processes and provides targeted guidance for educators. The findings underscore the potential of autoethnography in promoting spiritual development and identity formation among religious teachers.

Author Biography

Maike Maria Domsel, Universität Bonn und Köln

Dr Maike Maria Domsel, teacher of Catholic religion and French at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium in Bonn and private lecturer at the University of Bonn.


Dr Maike Maria Domsel

University of Bonn

Seminar for Religious Education

Am Hof 1/III

D-53113 Bonn

e-mail: maike.domsel(at)




How to Cite

Domsel, M. M. (2024) “Autoethnografie als Weg zur spirituellen Selbstreflexion: Potenziale eines Spiritualitätsmoduls in der Religionslehrer*innenbildung”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 32(1), pp. 106–122. doi: 10.25364/10.32:2024.1.7.