Religious education in kindergarten: necessary thoughts taken further

Religious education in kindergarten

necessary thoughts taken further


  • Joachim Hawel, Prof. Mag. Dr. MAS Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein


religious education, kindergarten, plurality of religions, secularisation, implicit pedagogy of religious education


This paper explores the range of topics of ‚religious education in kindergarten‘, with a focus on two focal points: the plurality of religions in our society, which is also apparent in kindergartens, and the increasing distance of many kindergarten teachers to ‚institutional‘ religions. In light of this development – what can we catholic pedagogues contribute to religious education? How will we act, when the notion that ‚children need religion‘ is not held by many people (any longer)? The authors experiences as a speaker at many advanced training courses for kindergarten education play a crucial role in these deliberations: an ‚implicit‘ theology or pedagogy of religious education opened many a door for religious learning and appreciative social interaction in a biblical and Christian sense.


Author Biography

Joachim Hawel, Prof. Mag. Dr. MAS, Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein

Mag. Dr. Joachim Hawel, MAS; Hochschullehrer am Institut für Religionspädagogische Bildung Stams und Innsbruck, Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein.



How to Cite

Hawel, J. (2018) “Religious education in kindergarten: necessary thoughts taken further”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 26(1), pp. 15–22. Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2025).