Empowerment to hear: A layout of a Bible didactical concept of hearing and listening

Empowerment to hear

A layout of a Bible didactical concept of hearing and listening


  • Wolfgang Wagerer, MMag. Dr. Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems


re-enactment of biblical texts, didactical concept of hearing and listening, bible didactics


To establish a sound basis for an interface that connects biblical studies with the interests of pupils, this paper tries to establish the auditory dimension as a pivotal experience. Such an approach corresponds with the didactic concepts as laid down in the Bible itself as well as with the nature of human beings. In order to enable biblical texts to get a hearing that provides a “moment of freedom” (H. Domin), a re-enactment of these texts in an auditory form, which contains not only the content of the narrative but also the formal elements, structures and principles of composition of the biblical sequence, is mandatory.

Author Biography

Wolfgang Wagerer, MMag. Dr., Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems

MMag. Dr. Wolfgang Wagerer ist Hochschulprofessor für Bibeldidaktik und Sprachdidaktik an der KPH Wien/Krems.

MMag. Dr. Wolfgang Wagerer Mayerweckstraße 1 A-1210 Wien e-mail: wolfgang.wagerer@kphvie.ac.at




How to Cite

Wagerer, W. (2019) “Empowerment to hear: A layout of a Bible didactical concept of hearing and listening”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 25(2), pp. 66–73. Available at: https://oerf-journal.eu/index.php/oerf/article/view/91 (Accessed: 21 November 2024).