Religious plurality in the realm of education and Bildung: Adversity or opportunity?

Religious plurality in the realm of education and Bildung

Adversity or opportunity?


  • Henning Schluss Universität Wien- Institut für Bildungswissenschaften



religious plurality, educational institutions, processes of education, viennese kindergartens, PLUKI-study


In his article, the author explores the question of religious plurality in the realm of education und Bildung via the opposition of adversity and opportunity. Discussing classical pedagogical concepts of Bildung, current empirical research and every – day observations, he argues that religious plurality – especially because of its possibility of being an adversity - offers opportunities for Bildung.

Author Biography

Henning Schluss, Universität Wien- Institut für Bildungswissenschaften

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henning Schluß, Professur für empirische Bildungsforschung und Bildungstheorie am Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Wien, Vizestudienprogrammleiter des Doktoratsstudium Philosophie und Bildungswissenschaft.



How to Cite

Schluss, H. (2019) “Religious plurality in the realm of education and Bildung: Adversity or opportunity?”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 27(2), pp. 38–54. doi: 10.25364/10.27:2019.2.4.