Professional handling of the tension between culture, religion and identity in kindergarten: An early childhood educational perspective

Professional handling of the tension between culture, religion and identity in kindergarten

An early childhood educational perspective


  • Eva Pölzl-Stefanec Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Insitut für Pädagogische Professionalisierung



religion, diversity, cultural sensivity, kindergarten, kindergarten teacher


Although diversity is normal for children growing up in 2019, cultural and religious diversity is often still discussed as a category of difference in socio-political discussions. These controversies can hinder the identity development of girls and boys. For this reason, a culturally sensitive attitude is advocated by pedagogical experts who professionally dissolve the tension between culture - religion and identity in child education and care institutions without passing on existing systems of rule.

Author Biography

Eva Pölzl-Stefanec, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Insitut für Pädagogische Professionalisierung Eva Pölzl-Stefanec, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Pädagogische Professionalisierung, Arbeitsbereich Elementarpädagogik. Sie war jahrelang als Kindergartenpädagogin in der Praxis tätig, hält Fort- und Weiterbildungen für KindergartenpädagogInnen im deutschsprachigen Raum und forscht derzeit zur Qualitätsentwicklung und Professionalisierung im elementarpädagogischen Bereich.



How to Cite

Pölzl-Stefanec, E. (2019) “Professional handling of the tension between culture, religion and identity in kindergarten: An early childhood educational perspective”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 27(2), pp. 24–37. doi: 10.25364/10.27:2019.2.3.