Of silent storms and silent students: Discovering the potential of biblical miracle stories with youths

Of silent storms and silent students

Discovering the potential of biblical miracle stories with youths


  • Julia Drube Universität Kassel- Institut für Evangelische Theologie


interest, calming the storm, teachingapproaches, discussiongroups, Bible, interpretive methods


Jesus‘ miracles are a concept of the teachings of the New Testament, as they provide information about the relationship between God and his creation. But, how can this topic be conveyed to our youth in a time that is coined by science as much as ours? With the goal of motivating students to discuss this topic, Bible educational opportunities to properly convey the topic miracles in class 8 in a practical approach will be demonstrated in the following article.

Author Biography

Julia Drube, Universität Kassel- Institut für Evangelische Theologie

Julia Drube studiert evangelische Theologie und Germanistik auf Gymnasiallehramt an der Universität Kassel. Sie arbeitet in der systematischen Theologie als studentische Hilfskraft und in der Religionspädagogik als Mentorin der momentanen Studierenden im Schulpraktikum.

Julia Drube Universität Kassel Institut für Evangelische Theologie Henschelstraße 2 D-34127 Kassel e-mail: j-drube@t-online.de



How to Cite

Drube, J. (2019) “Of silent storms and silent students: Discovering the potential of biblical miracle stories with youths”, Austrian Journal of Religious Education, 25(2), pp. 32–39. Available at: https://oerf-journal.eu/index.php/oerf/article/view/87 (Accessed: 23 November 2024).