Christian Influencing on YouTube as ‚doing emotion’
Youtube, Christian Influencing, doing emotion, emotional practicesAbstract
This article is about Christian Influencing on Youtube and the ‘emotional practices’ they contain. The phenomenon Christian Influencing will be explained and discussed in view of the ‘doing emotion approach’ by Monique Scheer. This is followed by an exemplary analysis of two videos from Christian Influencer LiMarie. The analysis shows that practices generate certain emotions that can be grouped into three themes: ‚Doing Intimacy‘, ‚Undoing Complexity‘ and ‚Doing Christian Lifestyle‘. Through the doing emotion approach it’s possible to decipher how these influencers create a stage of craving for simple truths and burning enthusiasm for being a Christian. The article addresses the need to be sensitized about how influencing functions and the impact it has.